Wednesday, February 25, 2009


well i was talking to a friend last night and we started the funny remember when........ well there some that just that you had to be there and some that really made me think about all the good time so i thought i would share some on here.....

1) it was one night we Mickey, Me, Nikki, Carey, Greg, and Rodney all decided we were going to go the the clubs. Well Mic told everyone not to buy me anything to drink because i was a light weight. well my friends did not listen and i got well...don't think there is a word for how drunk i was that night....anyway we were leaving and Nikki decided that she needed to pee so what does she do you ask we she squatted right there in the court yard of all the bars and peed. well i went to the truck and got in the front where i always rode and shut the door well greg got but hurt and came to the window and called me some ugly words because i did not say bye to him. well i got out and gave him a hug and told me bye well when i got out nikki and carey got in the front so i got in the back with rodney and well he was drunk too and started play with my girls and well all the smoke and the girls being played with made me sick in mickey truck. we got home and he changed my clothes and put me in the bathroom and took care of me all night long or well until 5am well i decided i wanted to go to bed i cried and he held me and made it all better. i don't think there well ever be a night like that one or will ever live that one down.

2) Nikki, Me, and Rodney were all hanging out at mine and nikki's apartment. i was a normal Thursday night.....well there were some exception to that night but that is not here or there. But nikki and i wanted some cookies. so we sent Rodney to get them well he comes back with PINK COOKIES.... yeah we told him he was gay....he's not he is married now. but yeah i guess that was one you just had to be there for it to be funny.

3) Christie, Amber, Sara, Cj, JD, and Me all went out back road-ing one night and we were all drinking even the driver you that is not a good idea don't try it....when we found so hay bales. out of nowhere Amber says looks it boobies....talking about the hay bales. the next time you get a chance to look a round bale see if you see what we saw that night.

4) for my 23rd birthday Mickey, Carey and Nikki took me out.....what a night. Me and Nikki were the only ones drinking. that in its self should say enough. if not i will explain...well there rule is you have to drink your age that you just 23 drinks (remember i am a light weight) so it started out ok until the shots started to come.... jello shot and two girls we raced and i won but we were so drunk. when we left it was ok until i got hot and started striping in the truck....yeah still cant find everything i had on the night prob still somewhere in mics truck. but that was another you had to be there moment.

just want to share so things on here i will prob regret them later but its all good.

Hugs and Kisses


  1. I am here! I found ya! woohooo! now off to find your myspace :)


  2. Hey! You've been tagged on my blog! Go check it out!
